Do you need help learning the magic ring for crochet?
I found this excellent website and I'm sure there's others.
Planet June She has an great picture tutorial. I always think I know how to do it but then find myself referring back to her website for help.
Let her know I have sent you her way. Us bloggers and website owners love hearing from the people that are enjoying our posts. Don't be shy........please comment. You can even tell me what help you would like to see.
Happy hooking!
I found this excellent website and I'm sure there's others.
Planet June She has an great picture tutorial. I always think I know how to do it but then find myself referring back to her website for help.
Let her know I have sent you her way. Us bloggers and website owners love hearing from the people that are enjoying our posts. Don't be shy........please comment. You can even tell me what help you would like to see.
Happy hooking!
I've just stumbled onto your blog - a great site!!! I don't work with textiles myself but can't wait to show my wife this. Some lovely designs and ideas and so helpful. Thank you.